Rest in peace Lemmy Kilmister


I had the honour to listen to Motorhead’s concerts in London and Helsinki on stage.
Lemmy took me aside to a small room (at the after party) and ”lectured” me about my choice of ”home land”. I had just moved back to Scandinavia, after living in Los Angeles and London for a few years. Lemmy thought I was crazy. He asked me why on earth I moved back to Scandinavia. He said my place/career was in Los Angeles. He said he thought the stuff I played was so cool. He told me to move back there asap.
Well, I understund what he means…
But… I have my wonderful chlidren&husband here in Sweden.

Anyway, I wish I could have attended Motorhead’s concert in Stockholm Dec 4th 2015 (I was invited to that concert), but couldn’t go since I had my own Christmas concert that same evening.

Dear Lemmy… Rest in Peace!!!



Kram, Linda

Rest in peace Lemmy Kilmister was originally published on Linda Lampenius Brava

Rest in peace Lemmy Kilmister was originally published on Linda Lampenius Brava

Rest in peace Lemmy Kilmister was originally published on Linda Lampenius Brava

Rest in peace Lemmy Kilmister was originally published on Linda Lampenius Brava